This week the news revealed a few fascinating cancer-related
The big headline was about why we get cancer: researchers at
John Hopkins University School of Medicine have concluded that it's basically
bad luck. Only a minority of cancers are
caused by lifestyle, environment or genes, most of us just had cells that made
random mistakes when they divided. You
can just imagine the daft cell in my breast that got bored with making exact
replicas of itself and one day decided to spice it up a bit (how about swapping this bit of my DNA with
that one, how does that look? Er, actually
looks rather scary...oops).
I have mixed feelings about shrugging it off onto bad
luck. On the one hand, it's a relief to
think that it isn't my fault that my family and I are going through the misery
of chemo (there's always that little guilty voice that wonders...if only I'd exercised
more/eaten bio products/or even that weird one, not used the microwave so
On the other hand, 'bad luck' leaves us powerless to prevent
the nightmare of recurrence. If it's
just down to some daft cells then I can't do anything to stop it happening
again. And apparently those of us with
Lobular Breast Cancer in one breast have notably increased chances of the cells
in our other breast being equally daft at some point.
Anyway, a little more digging reveals that this research
didn't include breast cancer because the existing information on stem cell
division rates in this part of the body is unreliable. So I'm going to stick with the research that
showed that exercise can reduce chances of breast cancer recurring and my new
year's resolution is to get fitter...even if that comes with a faint reproach
that perhaps I should have joined a gym ten years ago.
At least science isn't just shrugging its shoulders and
saying, bad luck guys, time to die.
Which is basically what the lovely Dr Smith has said in the British
Medical Journal. Cancer is, he claims,
the best way to die and a jolly good thing for an ageing population. Bonus all round - we get a protracted death
which gives us lots of time to say goodbyes to our loved ones and the planet
gets a bit more room when we've gone!
Thanks Dr Smith but I am not yet prepared to 'say goodbye...listen to
favourite pieces of music..and meet [my] maker.' I'll stick with my own doctor and take the
chemo if it's all the same to you.
And finally, that brings me to a lovely story which shows
that nature has its own sense of harmony and balance. Josie Conlon is in the news because her
2-year old collie dog, Ted, discovered her breast cancer. She was alerted to the problem when the dog
urgently nosed and whined at her breast: tests revealed a particularly
aggressive tumour that was caught in the nick of time. Crazy?
Not so! Dogs have already been
shown to be able to diagnose a number of diseases and there are now trials
on-going with dogs able to sniff out breast cancers. It's still in early stages, but how lovely to
imagine a future where cancer can be diagnosed by an enthusiastic, wet nosed
doggy instead of flattening your breasts for a mammogram.
So there you have it, most cancer might be largely bad luck
but regular exercise could still reduce your chances of breast cancer coming
back. Best way to die or not, I'm thinking
it's time to get a dog to take on brisk walks in the park. I've got a lot of living to do yet, Dr Smith.
I blogged about this too. There's no luck if its cancer.