I've just discovered that I'm not quite as crazy as I
Back at the end of June when my doctor uttered that terrible
word ... cancer... the first thing I
did when I got home was start this blog and write down how I felt. It was almost a physical need to get it all
out of my head and into black and white.
Then I knew I might get at some sleep that night.
A pretty crazy response to a cancer diagnosis?
Apparently not. According
to studies done by James Pennebaker, writing can help people deal with heartbreak, tragedy and anxiety. And cancer.
Therapists have been telling us for a while that talking about our
troubles helps us cope but we all know that it can be difficult to find
someone to talk to about cancer. With
all those hospital appointments, there's no way I'll find time to talk to a
therapist. I'd talk to my husband but,
frankly, he has enough to be coping with. It helps to talk to my friends but I don't
want to spend every social occasion going on and on about my cancer. Anyway, that can be a bit scary, right? James Pennebaker says:
"The killer problem is when you talk to a friend or
even a therapist, you’re putting yourself on the line. For it to work that
other person has to be completely accepting, and the
reality is we don’t tell our friends a lot of really deep and personal things
because we think it might hurt the relationship. That’s the beauty of writing.
You don’t have to worry about other people looking down on you or feeling
nervous about putting yourself out there."
But tapping away at a computer keyboard is not quite the
same as sharing a coffee with a friend.
Can it really have the same effect?
Yes, says James Pennebaker.
"Across multiple studies, people who engage in
expressive writing report feeling happier and less negative than they felt
before writing. Similarly, reports of depressive symptoms, rumination, and
general anxiety tend to drop in the weeks and months after writing about
emotional upheavals (Lepore 1997). Other studies found improvement in overall
well-being and improved cognitive functioning (Barclay & Skarlicki
According to his analysis, writing helps us sort out our
thoughts and make sense of them. We need
a sense of being part of a story rather than simply being buffeted by the misfortunes
of life. Blogging was an addiction that
I discovered when I was fortunate enough to live in Africa for a few
years. I started as a way to keep family
in touch with how we were getting on, but soon I found that I was writing for my
own benefit. I loved the splendour, the
beauty, the adventure of my life. But
that came with a good dose of squalor, difficulty, setbacks and struggle. Soon after I started blogging, we were on holiday
when our car broke down in the middle of no-where and we were left trying to
figure out what the heck to do under a hot African sun with no RAC to call to
our aid. Instead of being upset about a
holiday 'ruined', I found myself mentally planning my next blog post. Instead of a being a disaster, it was a great
So perhaps that's why I instinctively turned straight to the
comfort of the blog as soon as I was diagnosed.
Cancer - that's one heck of a story!
I like blogging because it's open to those who want to read
it and I know that my posts have helped others which gives me a lovely, warm
feeling. But I'm ambivalent about going
'public' with the rawness of it all so I write this under a pseudonym and I haven't
shared with friends or family. According
to James Pennebaker, you don't even have to go that far to gain the benefits of
writing. Just write twenty minutes a day
for four days, he counsels, and plan to tear it all up afterwards.
"Find a place you won’t get disturbed, and I want you
to sit down and just begin writing about the thing that’s bothering you. Don’t
worry about grammar or sentence structure or spelling. Just write. This is for
you and for you alone. Plan to tear up what you’ve done when you finish. It’s
not a letter to somebody. It’s not something for you to show someone to
convince them that you are right. This is for you alone."
Try it. Take all
those cancerous feelings of anger, frustration, unfairness, fear and
helplessness and put them down on a page.
Work through them and get them out of your head. No-one will judge what you have written so
write exactly how you feel.
Then tear it into a million little pieces.
Honestly. It helps.
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